Challenges of implementing E-Learning in Kenya
Education is going digital, and with that, there are a lot of challenges that educators and students face. Moreover, many digital learning tools conflict with each other, making it hard for the education system to catch up with the advancements in technology.
In the future, students will be able to learn from anywhere at any time due to advancements in digital learning tools. However, this also means that schools might lose their impact on education because students will be able to learn from anywhere using different methods.
This section will discuss some of these challenges and possible solutions.
Inadequate e-learning infrastructure and ICT devices
ICT components needed for a successful e-Learning program are desktops, laptops, tablets, internet connection, computer labs, and technical support. While some schools have few computers, they are not enough to support a whole class of students or multiple classes simultaneously. They lack enough digital devices and technical personnel to handle technical issues.
Inadequate financial resources
Setting up the e-Learning infrastructure is usually expensive at the starting point. After the initial stages, the costs reduce. However, schools will still incur maintenance costs, training fees, and content development charges.
Poor internet connectivity
Internet is essential for e-Learning implementation. Statistically, only 40% of Kenya’s population can use the internet. It shows internet connectivity is still low, so the number of students and schools accessing the internet is relatively low. Other issues concerning the internet are low speed and the high cost of bundles. According to the E-Readiness Survey of Kenyan Universities (2013) Report, the unit cost of internet bandwidth is $160 per Mb/s, which is still high compared to developed countries.
Schools need to invest in wireless internet infrastructure to increase the stability of the internet connection. Faster internet connectivity will ease access to e-learning.
Inadequate technical skills by teachers
In the past, teachers had to learn just basic computer skills. However, with digital learning, these skills are not enough. They need to upskill and add their knowledge because their teaching methods will have to change. In addition, they need to acquire e-content development skills. This training needs to happen in a practical environment.
Teachers’ perception of ICT
Several factors demotivate teachers from embracing digital learning. One is the extra time and effort it will take to create the digital content in addition to their regular duties. Also, their job security is threatened because of the fear that technology will replace teachers.
Teachers need to be positive and adopt the right mindset for e-Learning to succeed.
E-Content development
Developing digital content takes time and resources, and asking teachers to do this job is overwhelming. Creating relevant and engaging content requires specific design, gamification, and animation skills that most teachers do not possess.
Below is an overview of how Infoney Solutions Limited has tried to provide solutions to these problems:
We partner with schools to provide them with digital learning devices at an affordable cost. These include learner’s tablets, teacher’s & learner’s laptops, charging cabinets, content access points, Classroom Management Software, and Interactive Smart Screens. We also help schools set up computer labs.
School directors and administrators have not been left behind. We have KlickIt EDsuite, an all-in-one school management system with modules for teachers, parents, accountants, transport managers, and administrators. It is integrated with mobile apps, making it easy for each user to access their respective modules. Click KLICKIT EDSUITE to check it out.
Regarding e-Learning content, we have a new app, the KlickIt CBC app, that provides interactive e-content from PP1 to Grade 4 and is aligned with the Competency-Based Curriculum.
At Infoney Solutions Ltd, we conduct comprehensive training and capacity building for teachers. It also includes in-side class support, where we practically train teachers on using digital devices and e-learning content.
We regularly visit schools to offer technical support services to teaching staff and students, such as hardware configuration and maintenance, software installation and upgrades and network checks. All these efforts aim to help better their experience.
The success of e-learning is dependent on the sacrifices and constant improvements made by all education stakeholders to ensure the students get the best education possible.