Parent Login
Keep track of all your child’s school activities; classroom attendance, exams, academics, homework, transport, communication, school fees and many more…
Teacher Login
A teacher app that helps you in synchronizing student attendance, curriculum, scheduling time-table, assignments, assessments, digital learning content and many more….
Student Login
Get access to curriculum content, exams, homework, school communication, video conferencing lessons, class timetable and many more
Transport manager login
Manage your fleets without any hassle. The app helps you to easily manage all operational aspects of school transport, ensure school bus safety, plan and execute transport budgets and many more
Bus Attendant login
Now you can mark school bus attendance of student without much effort. You don’t need to remember every student’s pickup points and contact details. The app helps you on all these and many more
Driver console login
Manage tasks such as communication with transport managers, mark student attendance in the bus, monitor speed, get live-cam feed, navigation planning and many more